Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority is an agency under the Ministry of Transport, in charge of the state's responsibility for parts of the Danish railways and major ferry routes. The Agency merged with effect from 15 April 2010 with the National Traffic Authority. As of 1 November 2010, the Civil Aviation Administration also merged with the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority.

Please note that the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority expects Danish certified Examiners to follow the content of the latest version of the Flight Examiner Manual (FEM)

Welcome to the examiner site

This site is created with the primary purpose of assisting examiners.
The following features will be available:

  • DocuShare
  • Examiner procedures
  • News
  • Test forms

Furthermore, this system will be used for communication between the authority and examiners.


How to sign up

A lot of the information contained on this site is available to everyone, however some information will only be available to examiners, senior examiners and members of Trafikstyrelsen. At the same time the authority may use emails and SMS to contact the examiner group and therefore we require the following information from all Danish examiners:

  • Full name
  • E-mail adress
  • Cellphone number.

These details must be send to examiner@trafikstyrelsen.dk. If you want this information available in the examiner list, please note this in the mail.

Once this information is recieved, the full name will serve as "username" and "requested password" will serve as password.

All information necessary for examiners will for the time being, be published via mail and AIC, but when all examiners are registered on this site, a mail with a reply function will be used.

If you have any comments or problems with this site please contact: examiner@trafikstyrelsen.dk

A few words about the examiner system

With the introduction of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011, from April 8th 2013 there will be changes with regard to the examiner system, compared to how it worked in Denmark before this date. One of the major changes is that skill test examiners are no longer employed by the authority. This also means, that examiners are no longer covered by the insurance system of the authority.

The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority recommends that examiners do not perform any tests, checks or assessments without being protected by insurance. Part- FCL Subpart K and related AMC and GM describes the requirements and privileges of examiners . The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority publishes a list of examiners, including privileges and contact details. For details on how to become an examiner or how to extend, revalidate or renew privileges, see "Procedures" --> "Issue and Recurrent".


Booking and notification 

Skill test, proficiency check and instructor assessment of competence are arranged between the examiner, and the ATO/applicant. For the conduct of skill tests and initial instructor assessment of competence The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority must receive a notification minimum 5 days in advance. For tests and assessments conducted in Denmark, it is acceptable to recieve this notification 2 working days in advance. Skilltests for the issue of ATPL require 14 days notification. Skilltest for issue of SET types must be notified minimum 5 days in advance. Please note that a designation procedure exists for these tests which can be found under “procedures”.

Contents of this notification and any other details required by the examiner is described in the Examiner Differences Document. This notification is sent to flighttestbookings@Trafikstyrelsen.dk. After all tests, checks and assessments documentation, as required in 2.4.2, must be send to info@Trafikstyrelsen.dk

Note that proficiency checks do not require any notification. Examiner assessment of competence requests is send to examiner@trafikstyrelsen.dk and will be performed by an inspector or a senior examiner appointed by The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority.


Proficiency check, Skill test and instructor assessment of competence with non- Danish licence holders

If Danish examiners intends to perform any tests, checks or assessments on non-Danish licence holders, they must read and follow any guidelines and requirements listed in the Examiner differences document.


Supervision of examiners. 

The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority is committed to supervise examiners . An inspector from The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority may monitor examiners when performing tests, checks or assessments. In this case, the inspector may inform the examiner in due time. This applies both for Danish examiners and non-Danish examiners when conducting tests, checks or assessments on Danish licenced pilots.